Governing Documents
GLROA Bylaws
1996 Declaration
1997 Declaration
2006 Amendment #1 Declaration
2015 Amendment #2 Declaration
1998 Articles of Incorporation
Responsible Governance Policies
General Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Gurley Lake Ranches, Unit 1, filed 1-18-1996
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Gurley Lake Ranch, filed 8-1-1997
Amendment #1 to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Gurley Lake Ranch, filed 10-23-2006
Amendment #2 to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Gurley Lake Ranch, filed 3-26-2015
Design Standards
Trail System Agreement
Trail System Agreement, filed 2-7-2007
Notice of Deletion of Parcels Under Trail System Agreement, filed 9-30-2015
Quit Claim Deed
Common Open Space Quit Claim Deed, filed 2-22-2007
GLR Filing I CC&R 1 18 96
GLR Filing II CC&R 8 01 97
GLR Filing II - CC & R Ammendment 1 - 10.23.06
GLR Quit Claim Showroom Waterway 6 23 98
GLR Lot 1&2 Replat 9 25 01
GLR Quit Claim Showman Replat 7 30 03
GLR Affidavit of Correction Lot 28 4 02 03
Trail System Agreement 2 07 07
GLR Quit Claim 2 14 07